Thursday 30 May 2013

Plant of the Week - Family Apple Tree

Blossom has been late this year due to the late onset of spring, so I have just managed to catch the blossom on my family apple tree while the sun was making a brief appearance.

I wanted to get a family apple tree as we only have a small garden with room enough for one apple tree, but sourcing one with the exact varieties you want is harder than I thought. With the only other option being to attempt some DIY grafting, I found a happy medium online at Blackmoor Nurseries which had two of the varieties I was after (Worcester Pearmain and Egremont Russet) with a compromise on the Golden Delicious.

My tree is on M9 rootstock and is now in its third year in the garden (I believe it was two years old when I got it) and has come into its own this year with masses of blossom. Last year we only managed to eat three apples from the tree, which I think were all Worcester Pearmain (and deliciously sweet and sharp).

Family apple tree in blossom
Family Apple Tree in blossom
I read somewhere that the late spring could be a boost to fruit crops, but to the detriment of wheat and other grains, so I am hoping to have a bumper crop this year - watch this space!

The direct link to this tree on the Blackmoor Nurseries website.

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