Sunday 10 November 2013

Plant of the week - Miniature rose

A bit of catching up to do with my 'plant of the week' posts - the photos were taken but the posts never made it to being published!

Plant of the week for 17th October is this tiny miniature rose. I can't remember the name of the rose, but it was bought for me by my good friend Sonia. As it's a miniature rose, I planted it at the bottom of the rose arch so that the red flowers would be visible as its base as you walk through the arch. Unfortunately the herbaceous perennials around it overtook it and crowded it out and it was lost.

Miniature rose
Miniature rose
It finally got it chance in mid-October after all the other plants had died down, a proliferation of tiny buds appeared - these were the only flowers in my garden this week. Sadly the buds didn't open fully - maybe it was too cold or just too late in the season.